You have been or are currently in hell. Your sanity has been messed with. You are going to need a toolbox full of tools to outsmart this situation you are in. Most likely you have depression, PTSD or CPTSD. (not here to diagnose you, just logically follows)
No matter if you are healing from narcissistic abuse or just trying to maintain wellness you already have, there are NO MAGIC BULLETS! You need a toolbox. Below are some of the tools that are in my toolbox. Every single one has a deliberate use, goal, and result. Some cost money, some don't. Do what you can. Be deliberate. Your life is depending on it. Reach out to me if you have questions about any of these tools. I am not a doctor. I am a coach and I am in recovery like you. Be on the lookout for some resources like videos and free conference calls you can get on to have a positive infusion in your life everyday. Be well.
I'll share the easiest tool first!
I don't know that I'd be alive without therapeutic-grade essential oils and high quality supplements. Essential oils are the blood of the plant. If grown and distilled properly, they are a very good match to human blood. This means they can act efficiently in our bodies. I use oils and supplements to support every system of my body. When healing from narc abuse, you need ALL THE HELP you can get to bring your body, mind and spirit balance. Narc victims are deliberately thrown out of balance. Sniff oils and take your supplements daily!
Psssst....a little fun tidbit....shown in the photo above is a diffuser. When you diffuse oils into the air of your immediate environment, everyone in that room benefits...because everyone is breathing!
Spoiler alert, your narc will most likely complain about your use of oils...because they are such a low vibe person and the oils are a high will create dissonance within them. Use them anyway. Put them on your own body. Go to my Facebook page that teaches about the benies essential oils. You can't buy oils there, but you can learn about how they will benefit your wellness goals in all areas of your life.
I also have a general wellness page on Facebook. This is listed as a tool here because finding solutions and creating tools is a tool for me. I want you to see what I do with my pain or what solutions have worked for me.
Daily self care that affect every part of your body is where you'll make a big impact on becoming a thriver.
Exercise: I live in an area of the country in which the weather changes a lot. I have to be prepared for that when considering my exercise protocol. I map out my exercise habit for the week every week and have a back-up plan in case the weather affects my plan. My go-to is riding my bike. If the weather prohibits that, here are some other ideas I rely on: Exercise raises your energy and affects every system of the body.
1. Mall walking while listening to inspirational videos on Youtube. I do this early morning before they open or late evening.
2. Go to the gym. I get bored here, so I have a list of things I MUST do before I leave.
Reiki is a healing art that affects every system of the body and anyone can do it. Attend what's called a Reiki Share in your community. You may be encouraged to leave a love-offering (donation) for attending. $5-10 is typical. Reiki will return you to your center and cause peace. Pretty cool side-effect.
Meditation is without a doubt a non-negotiable. For beginners I recommend listening to a guided meditation on self-love. I still listen to such a meditation at least once per week. Put these three things in your daily calendar and make them part of your life.
You can survive without self-care, but you will not thrive without it.
You cannot correct a problem with the same mind that created it. Digging your way out of PTSD or CPTSD, or creating a new life requires a mind outside of your own. A therapist and coach can help you see where you are, see how you got there, help you determine where you want to go, and a plan to get there. A therapist can help you see the psychological issues that may be tripping you up or keeping you stuck. has a relationship with a group of online counsellors to help those of you who cannot drive to an appointment or are under a microscope in such a way that you can't go to an appointment.
If you want to learn more about this tool, please go to
They oftentimes offer our peeps a discount by clicking on this link and following the prompts.
If you have insurance and you do have the freedom to go to a therapist you'll want to be sure they are very well versed in the subject of narcissistic abuse. Here is an article with really good questions to ask a prospective therapist. You are hiring someone to help you correct a very serious matter. You are interviewing them. Don't forget that. This is the time in your life that you are going to start being much more deliberate. This requires asking questions.
Support groups are the bombdotcom for moving forward. Built in accountability, validation, edification, and a message that says "You are responding perfectly normal to the shit-show that has been thrust upon you.!"
My current go-tos....
These types of meetings or participation should be scheduled as part of your regular day. Not optional. Put them in your calendar, even the Facebook support group participation. Even if it is 11 am and 6 pm you just check in with new friends on that page to say hi or to see a new healthy coping it! You deserve this time for yourself and your sanity. You are not going to get sane alone. Part of a narc's tactics is to isolate you. Make a new habit for yourself, the habit of not isolating!
Be on the lookout for the Lose Your Narc Meetup Group that is on its way.
Here are a couple of programs that helped me move forward. Just having something to focus on that was prescribed by someone else's brain instead of my own beat up brain was a good start.
Meredith Miller was one of my first online teachers regarding narcissistic abuse. She is a badass on this subject and bilingual.
Here is a link to her site that has her really helpful tools for recovery.
Dr. Les Carter quickly became one of my favorite teachers on surviving narcissistic abuse. What a sweet and intelligent man. He gives great advice and insight regarding all topics on the subject of narcissism.
Click here to go to Dr. Carter's Youtube Channel
Tom Bushlack offers guided meditations on his website for only $1.99 each. Take a look at the meditations Tom offers here and see if any of them speak to you.
In order to THRIVE, it is really helpful if you are deliberate about creating your day, your week, your month, your quarter and your year.
A daily planner helps this. In today's market, there is NO SHORTAGE of daily planners.
I personally use a Full Focus Planner.
If you can't afford a fancy planner, simply print out an Excel spreadsheet daily calendar and insert your daily self-care actions in your calendar. SCHEDULE YOUR SELF-CARE or it WILL NOT HAPPEN! Another thing you can do is put reminder in your phone of all the daily self care action items. I have even gone as far as to set an alarm for drinking water or taking 4 slow deep breaths. You have to get badass at being deliberate. Most likely, you have been holding your breath in anxiety, not drinking water throughout the day, and putting yourself last for a lonnnng time. Schedule it. All of it. Then instead of taking all the heat for saying no to someone, you can point at your calendar and say, "uh oh, I have an appointment, I can't do that then." This is the beginning of you learning to say YES to you, and NO to other people. You can do it!
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