"Rob" represents thousands of male victims of narc abuse. He's a good guy, he's hard-working, he's a loving father, he takes WAY too much on, he's isolated and made to feel crazy, he's competent as hell, but made to feel inferior and to blame, his abuser KNOWS his buttons that trigger fear and anxiety and she pushes them often! But, he's a guy. And guys just don't get the resources or societal support that women have to get out of abusive relationships. Yep, we can say all kinds of things about the historical oppression of women...see the rest of the site for that. This page of our website is for men like Rob. Men like you. This website is authored by a woman, so with the help of some male friends we will fill in the gaps on this page about men's issues, resources for men, and hopefully some encouraging words for men. As the author of this site, I have three brothers, I love men, I hope their highest good for them, as I do for all humans. One's highest good is not realized under the domination of a narcissist. That's just where you learn what you ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT in your life. One's highest good is found by facing and walking thru your current circumstance. We hope this page offers support that is a good step towards your freedom. Good job for getting here.
As with either sex, going to counselling is really important...and don't stop going for a long while. Consider going to a Codependents Anonymous Meeting. (CoDA.org)
Stay tuned for more to come on this page. Meanwhile, know you are PURE POTENTIAL, you are LOVED, you are VALUABLE, abuse hurts EVERYONE, just because you have a penis doesn't mean you aren't allowed to cry and be hurt and find support and make a commitment to restore your life... YOUR LIFE. It's the only one you get. Take the hand of a therapist and start learning discernment, and trust again. #freerob is about honoring your male energy and your desire for a healthy life. #freerob is about giving men a break and letting them know ABUSE is WRONG no matter what sex you are. #freeRob is about loving the victims in your life THRU to the other side of inner strength. It takes a village on this folks. Rob needs a village. You need a village. And as it goes for Rob, it goes for you, it starts with YOU allowing the village to show up.
Remember this, you are NOT alone, there is NOTHING to be ashamed of, you MUST get out of the abuse, and YOUR AUTHENTIC SELF is waiting for you just on the other side of this situation. You can do it...you can get free! I promise.
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