Tips for Narcissistic abuse recovery & Loving yourself again
Finding sanity and self love during narcissism abuse recovery.
Finding sanity and self love during narcissism abuse recovery.
This video really captures the ins and outs of narcissism and the effects on victims. A must-see for those interested in abuse recovery!
For a while narcissists can create positive impressions, but over time the real self shows up, creating many questions in the one who has to make sense of that narcissist's way of life. Psychotherapist Dr. Les Carter focuses on those questions, then discusses how to maintain personal stability as you shift gears, finding your way in the midst of the frustration. Dr. Les Carter is one of our very favorite authorities on narcissism. Go to his Youtube channel and watch every bit of it! Here's a good start.
Admit you have attracted a narcissist and become aware of how narcissism affects your life! Awareness of an issues changes your ability to consciously participate in the solution to the issue and to get help.
Your reality is about to change big time. That's a good thing. Abuse recovery isn't easy, but it will serve you. This site is full of tips for narcissistic abuse recovery. You're in a good place.
First, pull out a journal and write out what is right and wrong, good and evil, acceptable and not acceptable in your life. Once you are clear on that, you'll be able to begin setting boundaries.
Then, find Support through counselling and support groups.
You cannot fix a problem with the same mind that created it. Your mind has been greatly affected by narcissism.
Abuse recovery requires mentors, sponsors, and a lot of support.
You have to get your mind clear. You cannot do that if you don't take a minute to decide or remember who you are.
Allow yourself self-care and self-love. This is imperative. Abuse recovery requires a real plan and commitment of how you will take care of you now that you are moving away from narcissism. It requires surrounding yourself with folks who are NOT in your situation, who are healthier, to remind you what a sane life looks like. If a healthy person invites you somewhere, go! If a healthier person that you offers a webinar, jump on the webinar. This is one of many ways how you rewire you mind.
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Richard Grannon proposes stopping the psychology for now and look at your sense of right and wrong. Your moral code has been covered up by the narc's agenda and behavior. Watch the video all the way through. It's worth it. Be well.
I am not a doctor or therapist. Nothing on this website is intended to diagnose or prescribe. I am merely sharing my experiences and the tools I've gathered to navigate narcissism and abuse recovery as an individual.
If you are in harm's way, you need to contact "911". Narcissism is dangerous shit.
If you are hurt, you need to go to the nearest emergency room.
If you are suicidal, you need to go to the hospital or call the Suicide Prevention Line at 1-800-273-8255.
Be well.
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